Blue Whale Mosaic (Bertha and Wally)
Ceramic tiles
5', 20' x .25"
Soldiers Field Pool
Rochester, MN
Saveya Andrews is a senior at John Marshall High School, a community resource school, and takes classes at RCTC. She has been my studio assistant throughout this project and provided lots of help and creative insights. The small baby whale was her contribution entirely.
APEX High School is a program for teens in recovery from addiction located within The Alternative School, a community resource school. Riverside Elementary is also a community resource school. A community resource school is a school designated to provide extra support, food, clothing and programs that connect the students to the community. These schools have larger populations of lower socioeconomic students and the community designation is an effort to bring more equity to schools. IMAA, (Intercultural Mutual Aid Assistance) is a non-profit that "fosters the well-being and independence of refugees and immigrants who resettle in Rochester and surrounding areas."
APEX students put the Riverside 4th graders border pieces in place