In Fall 2020, René Halasy, the ED of RNeighbors and The Meadow Park Initiative, (a local neighborhood group consisting of United Way, IMAA and Family Service Rochester working together for a better more equitable neighborhood) reached out and wanted a mural but needed an artist for the CARES Act art grant. I met with the neighbors and we worked on a design. We discussed the home as a symbol of native origin as well as the new home in Minnesota. We talked about similarities between cultures, arts and crafts and sports native to their origin homes that also relate to Minnesota. I worked on an outline on aluminum panels and we had a group paint day where the neighbors, mostly the Somali children, helped paint the panels. I then took the panels to my studio to add detail. They were installed in Friendship Park in their neighborhood and the children got to explain all the meaning behind the designs. Our local newspaper wrote an article about the project and the local news came and did a that here.