In summer 2023, Alexis Zaccariello, the visual art educator, and myself received a grant from Rochester Public Schools that allowed us to take a small group of students to see art in person. We started at The MMAM, The Minnesota Marine Art Museum and visited Jovy Rockey at her jewelry studio. We saw work at the Rochester Art Center and Art4Trails and finally, we took a trip and a tour of Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA), and Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD). We encouraged students to gauge their moods before and how they felt after looking at different works and decide which works resonated with how they were feeling. At the end of the session we had each student use one work of art they saw over two weeks as inspiration and to make a piece of art or a google slide presentation for their final project. I forgot to take pictures of final projects but most students were inspired by art that reflected them. In particular, our one Laotian American student was excited to see Asian art that reflected her culture; she had never seen any art that reflected her life outside of her worship space. After being quiet all week she presented a power point all about her family and her Laotian heritage and Buddhist customs.